Learn more about Norm Thomas Marketing

— Norm Thomas has been on his digital entrepreneurship since 2004. He has been certified in many aspects of the digital marketing world from graphic design to formal copywriting. Norm is certified by Google and SEO tools like SEMrush. Norm has spent a great amount of time to learn the absolute best ways to approach digital marketing. Norm has built and sustained an advanced digital marketing team capable of operating as a foundational team that can bring the results for our clients with a great deal of integrity.

More digital marketing details about Norm Thomas Marketing

We are always very transparent with our name and operations as an industry standard.

We are certified marketers

Norm has been certified in many skills that are necessary for digital marketing and small business management.

Norm is a marketing agency coach

Norm is also involved as a support and success coach for other agency entrepreneurs in Canada and USA, help them to be more systemized and understanding all aspects of digital marketing.

We have a digital marketing team

Norm has been able to build a strong team of local and international talented individuals who are foundational to the results we produce for clients.

Our marketing strategies are up to date

At Norm Thomas Marketing, we stay up to date each and every week to stay ahead of industry curve balls that are sent our way but we do still lay that with the much needed foundational skills needed.

We use advanced marketing tools

Norm Thomas is proud to stay up to date on citical tools that give us better insight to achieve the results our clients pay us for.

We adjust with the marketing industry

As a digital marketing agency, the work cut out for us doesn't change our overall intention which is to operatie with intention and honesty and we only make adjustments to our skills increase and
operating procedures
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